#TogetherWeMother: My Relationship With My Partner

IMG_8686.JPGI’m very excited to have joined a group of bloggers I admire to participate in the #TogetherWeMother project, a monthly series of blog posts. this month’s topic is “how my relationship with my partner has changed through parenthood.”

first of all, yes- everything you read is true and worry about is true, it’s hard finding time for romance with a new baby. especially when you don’t have a local support system. but on the other hand (for us at least) it’s been super rewarding and bonding parenting together. watching my partner Andy with our little girl just makes my heart explode with joy and love daily.
Andy & I have a solid base of 8 years as a couple before bringing a baby into the mix, but of course our relationship is constantly evolving. and man, as much as I knew having a baby would be life changing, I don’t think I ever could have anticipated the magnitude. I think it’s safe to say that this past year and half of parenthood has been the most eventful of our adult lives. in those newborn days I was so mentally fragile, with lack of sleep and some out of control hormones at the helm of my brain, and I would love and hate Andy all in the same second sometimes.it was a magical yet tumultuous time. nowadays, things have settled down and gotten easier. we have entered into a nice little groove as a family and I feel a lot more comfortable and confident as a mother.
that’s not to say that everything is easy-peasy and my relationship is perfect, cuz it’s not. like as much as I could brag about Andy, there is this negative part of me in the back of my mind that picks apart myself and everything around me, and I especially find myself prone to get irritable with Andy. for the most part I do feel very lucky and appreciative of our family and of his role in it- he really is so kind and so supportive of me. I want to be the same for him. so I’m working on that, trying to be more positive and less prone to nag.
clearly I still don’t have it all figured out (probably never will), but really that’s the interesting thing about parenthood. there’s always a something new, kids change quick and just as soon as you think you’ve got them figured out, they surprise you.  one thing I can be certain about is that there’s no one I’d rather be navigating these uncharted water with then my partner Andy.
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Be sure to check out the creative women in the #TogetherWeMother Series by visiting their blogs below:

5 thoughts on “#TogetherWeMother: My Relationship With My Partner

  1. I LOVED this post so so much. Your honesty and realness is so refreshing. I just adore you and I’m thankful to have become connected to you via this project! 🙂

    Already can’t wait for next time!



  2. Thank you so much for sharing! I love the part where you mentioned wanting to be kind and supportive of him in the same way he is for you. Sometimes when we’re having a hard time I just think to myself, “What would I want to hear right now?” and I tell Aaron and chances are he’s been feeling the same way as me and it opens up a great dialogue for us to have. So happy to have you on board now and I’m looking forward to learning more about you! xx


  3. Oh man, I had written out this huge long comment and wordpress deleted it! Anyways, the gist of it was, I love everything you wrote and I’m so happy that you’ve joined our group. I can’t wait to read more of what you have to say and learn more about you!


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